During my bachelor thesis I concentrated on creating some kind of family chronicle. I worked closely with my father, because he is the last descendant beside my sister and me and the only one who can still tell about my family in the paternal line. To get to know about my family on my mother’s side, I had long conversations with
my maternal grandparents and of course with my mother herself. It was so interesting and exciting, even sometimes it gave me the creeps, indeed.

I used different kinds of elements, such as old documents, photos from former times, drawings from my early childhood, antiquarian postcards written by my ancestors, illustrations and not least recorded
conversations of my parents and grandparents.

The result is this book, dedicated to my family, with round about 300 pages, further a little booklet with handy tips for all those who are also interested in genealogical research and finally a poster which displays an ancestor chart.

I Hope that I can inspire some people to get to deal with their own family history, too. ❤

additional postcard

additional posters


Thank you for watching. ❤
Verwandte Fremde

Verwandte Fremde

Bachelor thesis about my family history.
