Tripping is a mobile application that generates scenic drive and road-trip routes depends on your mood, location, weather and favorites. Simple keyword searching allows users to browse various drives and browses routes just for you.
PERSONA: Suraj is a 32 years old boy, from Ahmedabad. He does not have defined working days during the week, and gets a holiday depending on the work pressure. On those days he wishes to cut off from the busy city, and set out on a trip alone or with his friends. But, these trips cannot be pre-planned and he wishes to reach out to someone who could help him make a coherent plan in the little time that he has.
CIRCUMSTANCE: When Suraj left office on a thursday evening, he was in the mood to watch the sunset with a child mug of beer. Before he sat in the car, to set out to Rajasthan, he would open the Tripping App, for finding out what destination will be most apt for his mood, the several options that he could explore, the directions to get to the desired destination and enjoy the wanderlust.
The app is apt for the mobile era- an instant solution for a specific purpose, rather than loads of information. It is about road trips - mood trips- authentic and magical experiences with minimal effort.
Tripping is about road trips- the unplanned, spontaneous, impulsive drives. The drives that begin without a planned destination. The drives that bring back home a bag full of memories. The drives that are sometimes posed with difficulties. The drives that make us think- could it be better?
We help our users plan these trips based on their mood. While we add a little direction to the directionless trip, we still keep it in line with your wish for the unknown and the thrill.
The trips are comprehensive and fit a set of 'mood themes' which define a destination. Mood trips enable travelers on a short vacation an easy way to absorb various experiences, with an overall 'feel' of a place or concept.
The screen flow from trip themes to GPS maps, is based on a granular approach. Casual graphic maps with visuals and tips are easy to grasp. Only when the final GPS map is generated, the app displays exact photo pins and time stamps, with a detailed overlay map at each spot for points to sit, walk or for views. Each trip has a different start time based on sunset time that day.
App -Logo
Flash Screen
Login Page
Home Page. ( Automatically updates according to weather of the detected location )
Mood Page
Location Selection Page
Tripping - App

Tripping - App

Tripping is a mobile application that generates scenic drive and road-trip routes depends on your mood, location, weather and favorites. Simple k Read More
