This was an advertising campaign project against the frequent power cuts in Bangalore. Unexpected and frequent power cuts are a source of frustration for consumers. The idea was to highlight this frustration and the sarcastic outlook many people tend to have towards the BESCOM and its power cuts. 
Restriction: No natural light, we were allowed to use only candles or torch light. 
Thank You- Diwali:  A single shot ad created to explore short length.
Uses a cycle to track back and a bounce light from a torch light source.
Thank You- Friendship: A longer video, this was made using light from a phone and an additional torch. This video was inspired by the cameraderie and relationships college students share with their with friends and roomates.
This project was a collaborative effort between Hoshedar Shroff and myself.
Thank you BESCOM

Thank you BESCOM

An advertising campaign against Power cuts in Bangalore.
