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How to Be a Real Adult

How to be a Real Adult is an activity book that attempts to poke fun at the ups and downs of this thing we called adulthood.
Please enjoy! 
"How to be a Real Adult" activity book is an all-in-one pack to learn how to be a grown up. Are you still having trouble being an adult? Well, here's everything you need to know to be an "adultier" adult! Now get a crayon and you're on your way to being a true grown up. 
Grow up
Dyeing / Dying
Bear with it
Read between the lines
Know how to pick fruit / Do your own laundry 
Write checks / Get for ZZZs
Eat Healthy / Network
Wait at the DMV / Drink Responsibly
Find time for Family
Put on your most adult face (sticker set)
Get some adult furniture (sticker set)
Read some adult books (sticker set)
Congratulations! You are now a real adult and you even have a certificate to prove it :)
Thank you Robert Brinkerhoff for his guidance and instruction. Thank you Taryn Oshiro-Wachi for modeling. And Thank you for viewing!
RISD Wintersession 2016
How to Be a Real Adult

How to Be a Real Adult

How to be a Real Adult is an activity book that attempts to poke fun at the ups and downs of this thing we called adulthood. Please enjoy!
