Jordan Franklin's profile

Mica Competitive Scholarship 2016

Noise Image is a small sound installation piece created in exploration of the phenomenon of static noise. The image itself is coded through the software, "Processing", and is projected into the space as a visual interpretation to sound produced by a small instrument. The instrument is comprised of a microphone and a potentiometer (or knob). As the knob is turned the microphone vibrates, which then informs the visuals from the projection. 
Noise Image

(Detail Shots)
Robotic Voices 
(Series: Part 2 of 3)
Explores the idea of sound interpretted through Color and Mark Making.
Acrylic on Paper
36''X 24''
Robotic Voices 
(Series: Part 3 of  3)
The series of frames are a number of moments from the sound piece, Robotic Voices, which was coded through "Processing". Each component of this visual interpretation is animated to appear in sync with every patch of sound, while really being composed to move in an order controlled by the composer.
Color and Mark Making Within a Social Context: May 2015
(Visual response to Isis terrorism)
Acrylic on Paper
36'' x 44''
Their Blood Cries Out
(Visual response to Isis terrorism)
Acrylic on Canvas
24'' x 24''
Mica Competitive Scholarship 2016


Mica Competitive Scholarship 2016

Portfolio submission for the Maryland Institute College of Art competitive scholarships 2016 (class of 2018).
