Oğuzhan OYAR's profile

up and down buttoned customizable pencil

        I designed it for a competition which was held by a company. There, we were asked to design a pencil and to suggest trade ideas, what should be done for prime costs.

        My advice was as follows: Produce a mechanical pencil. Produce the pencil with two buttons; one on the top, one at the bottom. Produce the body transparent and produce it such that; inside the body, one can put a paper. The owner of the pencil will have a picture printed in appropriate size and put inside it. Or if he/she wants the pencil be self-coloured, then he/she will put a construction paper that is desired colour. Thus there won't be any problem about what colours should be produced, which one will be sold or not, do people like the top button or bottom button. In addition, produce an accessory that named "eraser cutter". It will be a gadget just like a hole punch. When the eraser in the top button give out, the user will cut a ordinary eraser with this accessory and put it in the top button. And thus, this will be a marketing strategy too.

        My name suggestion for this pencil is: By the inspiration of tea kettle, up and down buttoned customizable pencil. In short "up&down personalizable".
General view
The one on the left is the one without picture. The other two are the ones those has a picture in it. In the middle one, it is seen how the two ends of the picture paper may look like.
resolution: 4K (2160x3840)
Parts, including the eraser cutter
meanings of the words
kapak: cover,lid
üst düğme dış: upper button - outer
üst düğme iç: upper button - inner
silgi: eraser
silgi tutucu: eraser holder
gövde: body(of pencil)
silgi kesici: eraser cutter
askı: sling
parmaklık lastiği: rubber for finger
mekanizma: mechanism
uç konisi ve uç silindiri: lead cone and lead cylinder
alt düğme: down button
resolution: 4K
Section, where lead comes out and the point, where the versatile pencil "pops".
I think it is not necessary to tell what is "the point, where the versatile pencil pops".
Bending the picture and putting it in the pencil
I made a program for observing the pencil 360° in project content. Related buttons operates zooming and turning the pencil, moving the camera, hide-show the parts of the pencil.
In project content, I put as game engine runtime exported version. This picture is when I captured the screen.
up and down buttoned customizable pencil


up and down buttoned customizable pencil

I first modelled for competition between 21/4/2014 - 29/4/2014. Then I fixed some little issues and rendered them again in high resolutions betw Read More
