When devel­op­ing cam­paigns around a preva­lent social issue, it is important to realize there is a fine line between getting through to the viewer, and shocking them by going too far. In this assignment I tackled the issue of the mistreatment of livestock in the food industry.  Using minia­ture fact cards in the form of postcards, I created a mock PETA, “GO VEG.” cam­paign. The purpose of this project was to bring aware­ness to the public about the needless poor treatment of these animals­. Mak­ing use of the tra­di­tional style of PETA cam­paigns, the deliv­er­ables both grab the view­ers atten­tion, as well as inform them of the issues sur­round­ing ani­mal cruelty.
PETA - Just Meat?

PETA - Just Meat?

A set of postcards detailing the poor treatment of animals in the food industry.
