Digital Print on Transparency, Glass & Acrylic 15” x 20” x 22”
The title of this piece is the length of my running route. I tracked my route via an app on my phone, then multiplied it to create the red pattern. I repeatedly run this route, with the worry that changing it might mess up my progress, so I wanted to display this type of repetition. The abstract forms come from the profile of a torso sitting. This piece is about the unreachable body image that is highlighted through popular culture. The dimensions of the acrylic stand comes from the ratios found at the Harvard Stadium, which is a place I frequent for exercise. The shorter side is the height of each step, and the angle the image sits at is the angle of the tiered stadium seats. 


5.97/5280.52’ Digital Print on Transparency, Glass & Acrylic 15” x 20” x 22” The title of this piece is the length of my running route. I tracked Read More
