I turned this bowl out of Walnut.  The piece of walnut was given to me and was in log form, so I split it lengthwise down the middle with a chainsaw.  Doing that made the log yield two sizable bowl blanks.  Each blank was then turned over two stages.  In the first stage, I roughed in the shape of the bowl and left the walls thick.  I left the walls thick so that if the wood checks or warps, I have enough material to turn away the problem areas.  I turn all of my rough bowls' walls down to 10% of the bowl's diameter.  The bowl then sat on a shelf and dried for 7 months.  In the second stage, I refined the shape of the bowl, power sanded from 150 to 800 grit, and sprayed several coats of lacquer for a finish.  I also carved in two rings of spiraling on the foot of the bowl where I signed and dated it.  This piece came out really nice!
Walnut Wood Bowl

Walnut Wood Bowl

I turned this bowl out of a piece of walnut wood.



Creative Fields