BA Third year project 
By chimene zouki
The Comic-kers
Help you see differently
A research has been conducted about comics, and through­out this research, the comic book project was found, with Sarah Anderson’s comics, their work inspired the project through the stories about their experiences.
This research led to the question of “How can we help teenagers to see things differently”.
After the research question, a decision was taken about the solution which is to come up with a service design to help teenagers express in drawing and doing funny comics about their bad experiences, i.e. turning them into positive thoughts and funny experiences. This way teenager will try to look up for the bright side in bad situations and make these bad situations a helpful or a funny experience for others to read.
The project is about comics, and since in life we have an Illustrator, a Cartoonist, a Designer, a new word was created for a person who draws comics; a comicker.
Next to comic, an asterisk, when it appears in dialogue in comics references to an editor's note; a caption somewhere else in the panel or on the page. These generally inform the reader that more information can be found in a separate issue or comic book, or explain an acronym. “Help you see differently” was the caption of “The Comic-Kers”.
The communication with students will be held by posters inside schools.
The first poster will be the opening of “the Comic-kers”, a workshop about cartooning so the students can learn the basics on how to create a cartoon character. Students come with a picture of them printed; they are going to sketches themselves into funny characters. 
Every student has their own manuscript booklet and it contains sketch blank papers so that students do their own comic strip stories, this way they would be able to see the progress in their drawing skills too. In the end of the booklet, samples for students who can’t draw so they can practice drawing at home and for those who didn’t attend the workshops.
Check the video to find out MORE .
At the end of the booklet, students will find samples about how to draw cartoons, different types of emotions and different body shapes for characters. Next to each sample, a transparent board so that the student draws over it, the booklet contains a black marker and cleaning cloth to wipe out the back drawings on the board, so he can restart again.
The Comic-kers

The Comic-kers

BA Third year project
