Alexandra Wirkijowski's profile

Winter Session: King of Beasts

This is the only artwork I made in Wintersession that either wasn't lost or unintentionally thrown away. The class I took was called '2D or not 2D'- it was about creating experimantal 3-D artwork, by using less traditional materials o make tiny 3-D characters or settings. This project was about taking animal crakers and making any project out of it as long as it was made with paper mache and no paper clay or Sculpey. The concept of this project is that the King of Beasts has the power to turn any human he wants into any animal he choses by promising them a wish. I origionally had more animals but I lost them.
'King of Beasts
paper Mache, acryllic paint, gouache paint craft fur
Winter Session: King of Beasts


Winter Session: King of Beasts

One of my wintersession projects from RISD (2015)
