my graduation film "mirrors" is a classic animation short film. i worked  on the projects together with my friend Yali Herbet. the  film is about a relationship between a young girl and her father  being reflected as they spend time together in a car, driving on an endless road.
I was the art director of the film, did a lot of sketches for the characters and the backgrounds, especially on the color keys 
this frame-as i called it the banana scene, was painted for 6 times until i reached this-the first test that i loved. was a guide line for me for the rest of the movie
in israel the car test is really clear sign. we used it as a key for telling the time, in what year are we? 
objects in the car
character design for the girl named Shahar. 
dani, the father, character process 
color keys for all the movie.

the facebook page 


my graduation film from bezalel acedmy of art and design
