Connor Dimberline's profile

ISTD The Nobel Prize: Tu YouYou

My responce to one of the ISTD briefs, I chose the 'Celebrate the Nobel Prize'
brief where I was tasked to produce a prestigious publication that celebrated
the Nobel Prize.  I chose to celebrate the life and work of the 2015 Nobel Prize
winner in Physiology or Medicine Tu Youyou. I then produced a typographic
book about Tu YouYou for her discovery of the cure for malaria
in the 1970’s by
using Traditional Chinese practises combined with modern
science to extract the protein from
the Artemisinin plant to combat malaria
during the Vietnam war. Tu Youyou collected over 2000 recipes, ancient texts
and remedies in search for the cure and a selection of the 200 herbs and plants
she individually screened are illustrated in the chapter pages.

The botanical aspect of her work which drew me to her was the main inspiration
for the books design and body copy treatment. The duality of Tu You You’s practises
are also represented in the paper stock used where half is modern glossy paper and
the other half recycled brown paper. This juxtaposition is used to represent her
medical bilingualism.

ISTD The Nobel Prize: Tu YouYou

ISTD The Nobel Prize: Tu YouYou

My submission to ISTD I chose the 'Celebrate the Nobel Prize' brief and then chose to produce a typographic biographical book about Tu YouYou the Read More
