David Chang's profile

Stress Flush App

I have tendency to get stressed easily so I tried to make an app that could mitigate stress levels.
My stress was caused by compacting my head with loads of thoughts. When constatntly try to remind myself with different idea they get tangled up in my head. One of the good way to improve was to write down things that are in my head because this helps organized the thoughts and once that is over you are calmer than before. Plus when you see problems or thoughts in text, you realize that it did not worth worrying too much.
Now I wanted to make it more personal and add some humor so people would not see this method as "treatment" but rather think of this solution as playful and fun way to help their anxiety.
One day I found my self wiping my butt with a toilet paper and I flushing it in the toilet. The toilet paper wipes worthless substance and flushing make them disappear. So why not treat our worthless worries as substances that need to be wiped out by toilet paper? 
[We were told to build an app with very basic knowledge of programming that can improve people life. Since I was often stressed through out the school year I chose to make an app that could release them. Stress Flush App takes your everyday complains or stresses and flush them for you.]
In the first screen, transparent text appears welcoming users with quick start instructions. When user taps on the screen the welcome text disappears and toilet paper role reveals.​​​​​​​
Pulling the toilet paper down takes users to the next screen where you can type your thoughts that you don't want to keep. With a pleasant flushing sound, page with various thoughts that were previously flushed by other users appear. This helps viewer realize that others also worry about similar stuff or that what I worried before was not so serious comparing to other peoples worries.
Stress Flush App

Stress Flush App

Thumbnail photo taken from http://blog.aarp.org/2015/01/28/toilet-paper-is-shrinking-blame-hand-dryers/
