ICE Malta's profileThe Student Campus's profile

End of Year Gift 2015

The creative team opted for a minimal palette including monochrome basics with a touch of red symbolizing the festive spirit and created a
customized typographic element positioning the gift as a strong handmade luxury brand. The little touches of Christmas icons in the pattern enhances the typography making it playful and festive. The customized bespoke box includes two of the world's most established brands, Moet and Lindt which represent
the past and anticipated success of both companies respectively. The gift box which is a statement piece in itself, shows that both brands are at the
forefront of design and intend to continue to push design boundaries in the coming years, and allows each company 
to remain distinct yet also shows a strong connection between both.
End of Year Gift 2015

End of Year Gift 2015

This year's gift concept entitled 'Here's to the Good Times' incorporates not one but two strong brands, namely ICE Malta and TheStudentCampus. U Read More
