Assorted assignments from Typography 1 taught by Hans van Dijk and Jose Menendez.
Typesetting variations exploring the semantic and synctactic properties of a selection of James Joyce's A Portrait of the artist as a young man.
Letter sized typesetting of Anthony Froshaug's 1967 review of the english translation of Jan Tschichold's 1935 book Asymmetric Typography. The assignment asked us to typeset the
review with its citation, an illustration, a detailed colophon page, and a title page. We were also required to make examples in two different formats, on letter sized and tabloid sized, with fonts from three categories: old style, transitional, and sans serif, that were both justified and flush left rag right. 
Tabloid sized typesetting of Anthony Froshaug's 1967 review of the english translation of Jan Tschichold's 1935 book Asymmetric Typography. 
Tabloid sized typesetting of Anthony Froshaug's 1967 review of the english translation of Jan Tschichold's 1935 book Asymmetric Typography. 
Font folder created for advertising the font Akzidenz-Grotesk. List of required inclusions included: font specifications and qualities, brief history, text and display examples, all characters, and examples of the font in use. Final printed version 11 in x 34 in with gate fold.
24 in x 36 in poster design based on a typographic experimentation created from trash in the first week of class. The purpose of the poster was the find the typeface (or the closest typeface) to what was present on our experiment, then use large scale letterforms to describe the general characteristics of it along with some basic information.
Typography 1

Typography 1

Assorted assignments from Typography 1 taught by Hans van Dijk and Jose Menendez.
