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Art 130 Artist Exhibition: Piet Mondrian

Description: Three posters advertising an upcoming exhibit at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The posters are typography, collage, and photograph.
Process: I designed these posters by using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.
The first poster is a collage. I used the image I created outside of the computer of Piet Mondrian over lots of text, and layered one of his art pieces titled "Red Tree". I used parts of this art piece to create boxes for the information needed on the poster. I adjusted the opacity by using the multiply tool on Illustrator and adjusting the opacity. I used a typeface for the title called 
TallDeco Normal, which is a decorative typeface and body copy called DIN 30640 Std. Both typefaces are from the 1930-1940's. I thought it would look good to use a typeface fitting from the period of Piet Mondrian.
For the photographic poster; I took a black and white photo of Piet Mondrian and placed his peice called "Red Tree" over it. I adjusted the opacity to create a stained glass affect over the photo. I then, again, used typefaces that are reminisent of the time period of the 1940's, TallDeco Normal and a sans serif typface called DIN 30640 Std. Both worked well to tie the poster to the time period of Piet Mondrians art work. 
For the last piece, the typography, I used photoshop to cut out Mondrian's image of "Red Flower". I used the laso tool to trace and cut out the image. I then looked for words describing Piet's work and filled it in with a darker red. The boxes are a reverse of Mondrian's art piece titled "Red Box". I put the blue color where the red should have been and the red box with text where the blue color should have been. I used the blue under the red flower because Piet's "Red Flower" has a background that is the same shade of blue. The text on the blue part is quotes from Piet Mondrian. I then used the sections with no text as a spot to incorporrate the information for the even.
What I learned: I learned that a knowledge of basic design principles is necessary to create harmonious and balanced designs. It takes practice, trial and error, and humilty to be taught how to use them. The basic design principles are the building blocks for these posters. Learning about layout, white space, and learning to take critism has helped me to create these beautiful designs. I only hope that Mondrian would have been happy with what I did.
Art 130 Artist Exhibition: Piet Mondrian

Art 130 Artist Exhibition: Piet Mondrian

Three posters, typography, collage, and photography, about an exhibit for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art featuring Piet Mondrian art pieces.


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