Keith M. Cowley's profile

Illustrator and Scientific Consultant for "Wild Animal"

John Benjamin Sciarra had an idea. He believed that if he had the ability to self-publish, he could generate a trilogy of educational chapter books that would captivate the minds of young readers at all levels. The books would challenge them to consider concepts in modern science, such as paleontology, or string theory, without intimidating them with large volumes of text. The Harry Potter series, while extremely popular, left out a large demographic of children who could wrap their heads around thick text, but are discouraged by “reading” fiction pieces of size, with fantasy/surreal themes.

While consulting for Nature’s Art/Dinosaur Crossing, John, a local from Groton Connecticut sought out my services, pursuing a paleo illustrator. His first story had bound together dinosaurs and time-travel. Drawing from his experience as a father and scientist, he generated characters that came across richly identifiable with your readers. To be sure he was on the right track with accurate information, I consulted with him on the scientific elements. There was a lot of room for creativity while describing prehistoric creatures that no one has ever seen with their own eyes.

While the story held it’s own, like any product with a future, it required the right package. That package would and should include an original cover illustration and design. The result was very much accepted, not just by Mr. Sciarra, but also children and teachers who had the opportunity to preview the book. From there the books found their way to, and many online booksellers, such as Barnes & Noble and Borders. Exposure brought Shoestrings fame with the Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award, issued by Disney.

Wild Animal Publishing birthed out of the need to self-publish the first of three Shoestrings books, meeting the demand of new fans, even outside the local scene. Teachers suggested that programs should be developed around the book. We assembled programs that reflected the books topics, drawing from his experience as an author and scientist, including his experience as curator of husbandry and exhibits at Mystic Marinelife Aquarium. I spoke on paleontology and scientific illustration, and also careers in the geosciences. We taught all over New England, and educated whole schools in upstate New York and Connecticut.

The success of Shoestrings- No Time for Dinosaurs prompted the release of a sequel, Shoestrings- Paradox. The adventure continues into the future as the scientific concepts expand and captivate an audience with foundational experience with the first book. Readers get to experience the text with a half-dozen illustrations that compliment the story. With this, I received an illustration credit right on the cover. Three moons reflect a scene that is a visual clue of a paradox within the story’s setting. A definite science-fiction twist emerges from the plot that surprises children even still. The ending is a hanger that is almost more torturesome than the first story. Kids wrote us many letters, almost demanding the release of the third story. John doesn’t want to end it as a trilogy, though as an educational tool, a trilogy it is. For now...

The trilogy continues with Shoestrings- Monster in the Lake. Integrating modern legends, such as Lake Champlain’s version of Nessie, it provides an explaination for their existence. It also gave us the chance to develop creatures that have “not yet been discovered”. Another series of illustrations were developed with an additional cover design and art.
Illustrator and Scientific Consultant for "Wild Animal"

Illustrator and Scientific Consultant for "Wild Animal"

While consulting for Nature’s Art/Dinosaur Crossing, John, a local from Groton Connecticut sought out my services, pursuing a paleo illustrator. Read More
