Jim Perez's profile

Warcraft Compositions

I spent the most time here trying to get the background right. Light ambient clouds became thick black smoke. I really wanted the sky to appear to be on fire so I adjust the colors of the sky itself accordingly.
Gilneas City has a very interesting gothic silhouette and overall feel and I wanted to capture that. I count the church tower here as the "third character" and made sure it stood out a bit more. The set up of the characters two characters to the right is intended to let the viewers imagine what happens next.
For this one it took quite a while to get the water to be the right color just right. I settled on giving the water a warmer "Carribean" tone. The Goblin I had to scarp a few times to get the right angle. Initially I wanted to have him coming towards the viewer but it made more sense to point him outwards. The smoke and flames were made in photoshop using a few different techniques.
Handling the lighting on the characters themselves was the tougher part here. I wanted the character on the right to have light from both the moon and the lantern and the character on the left initially look very out of place. The moon itself was transplated in from a different background picture of the same area.
The look on the face of the troll says it all. This one was a treat to work on. Toughest part was getting the purple spells. I also reverse engineered the way Blizzard uses Friz Quadrata font for World of Warcraft. 
This one started out simple enough, but  I soon found myself unable to locate the Death Grip spell in the WoW Modelviewer. So instead I took a good look at the spell in-game and created a similar effect in Photoshop.

Getting the positioning just right for all three characters was the most challenging task here. The piece really came together once I added the speedlines.

When Hearthstone matches go wrong. Getting the right poses for the folks trying to stop the barflies took a bit of figuring out.
For this one I wanted to get some "live" action in the background. More than one kind of camping going on here.
Warcraft Compositions

Warcraft Compositions

These are composite images I make myself using a handful of programs. The only thing done inside the video game, World of Warcraft, is getting th Read More
