Asyiqin Haron's profile

The Night Gwen Stacy Died

I'm gonna be honest here. When I thought of making this design,
it was intended to be put on a snapback cap. Because I'm evil like that. 
In between coming up with the pieces for my IHWT series, I decided to take
a break from it for awhile and came up with this design. Inspired by The Night Gwen Stacy Died,
I used a panel of the comics where Gwen falls as photo reference and added a quote
said by Peter after he realised that in the attempts of saving her, he had killed her instead.
SOURCE: What Ever Happened to Gwen Stacy via
SOURCE: Romantic Idiot via
I had a cracking great time whipping this piece up. Didn't take many breaks while doing it so my neck
started aching a bit. Anyway, thanks for swinging by and taking some time to take a look at my work.
If you want to catch up on my works, you can follow me on instagram at @asyiqinharon
or take a look at my website at
Snap, Crackle, Pop! I'm out!
The Night Gwen Stacy Died


The Night Gwen Stacy Died

This piece was inspired by The Night Gwen Stacy Died where Spider-Man attempts to save Gwen Stacy as she falls. He catches her but snaps her neck Read More
