David Hoffman's profile

Chickens - Osprey Hill Farm - Acme, WA

****Graphic Content Warning -  Images Include Some Graphic Content of Animal Agriculture****
Our intern cohort took their education field trip to the heart of the South Fork Valley and did chicken chores at Osprey Hill Farm. Geoff and Anna taught the group the finer points of having broilers and egg layers has a part of their diversified organic farm.

Before we could feed and water the chickens, we had to move the tractors down the pasture. Chicken tractors are movable chicken coops,
allowing the farmer control of grazing and fertilization of the field. 

After morning chores were complete, we headed down to the new chicken processing unit located on a farm down the road. Here we began the chicken slaughtering and eviscerating process. 

Osprey Hill Farm is also an aggregated certified chicken processing facility where they can clean not only their own birds but the birds of other small farmers. 

Finally, the discovery of the purpose. A late season bbq with friends, family, and fellow farmers. Geoff gives a quick lesson on how to butcher, Matt takes over and starts preparing the grill.  

Beers were opened and soccer was played until you could no longer see the ball.            

Gathered around fire we feasted on a plate full of early autumn vegetables and perfectly crisp
 grilled chicken.
Stories are shared, relationships are building, interactions are happening. 

The purpose of the food is explored not only within self nourishment of the chicken but also in the benefits of the community it brings together.
Chickens - Osprey Hill Farm - Acme, WA

Chickens - Osprey Hill Farm - Acme, WA

Take a step inside a chicken farm in the Nooksack River Basin in Northwest Washington State.


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