E-Sports has grown massively in the past few years, with bigger venues, larger crowds and growing tournemants, E-Sports is getting more and more recognition and will only continue to grow. Nothing beats a gamers sitting amongst a bunch of other gamers watching some of the best players battle it out for the ultimate title of being
number one in the world.
It's only a matter of time before E-sports comes to our televisions.
Everything is in place, it's justa amtter of putting it all together.
A Brand that screams excitement, much like  E-Sports.
A new brand that can change and keep up with the ever evolving world of E-Sports.
Although the brand is based around video games, there still needs to be a level of seriousness.
Created by Lee Sanders 
Sky E-Sports

Sky E-Sports

Creating a conceptual brand for Sky E-Sports, a channel that's part of the Sky Sports family, and purely dedicated to E-Sports, broadcasting of v Read More
