Logotype by Stefano Falconi (https://www.behance.net/stefanofalconi)
The Light Pod is a project in collaboration with Cooplotta, cooperative that for more than 10 years is developing interventions to reduce health risks, social and legal issues related to the consumption of alcohol and illegal substances in the contexts of entertainment (nightclubs, major events). The Light Pod is a project that aims to create spaces for the mobile units and the establishment of zones of decompression (chill out) for events where they will be present.
The Light Pod is an interactive space, whose goal is the rediscovery of themselves, and the relationship of our body with the other's one, in a private and comfortable ambient. The user in this context should be aware of their actions and reactions, because that goes to change the context in which it is located.
At the same time the project goes to rediscover the theme of "space deformation", through its use, and the memory that the material absorbs in its altered state.
The structure of The Light Pod is made by a plywood ribdepth 2omm, united between them with joint and
screws.The structure is self-supporting and has a base of 5 meters x 3.5 meters and the height is 4 meters. It 'also consists of modules that allow easy mounting and flexi-
ble use depending on the type of event. The structure is then filled with a transparent plastic material for a total of 30 cm of thickness, this material permits to the body of the users to deform the space.
The whole is covered with a white fabric, elastic and waterproof. Inside the structure there are the strip LED adhesives that create the light. 
The light pod is also interactive and people will put on the chill out music.


A project for a chill out area. logotype by Stefano Falconi https://www.behance.net/stefanofalconi
