Adam Hutchison's profile

Double Helix and Tidal - programming for animators

Double Helix   and Tidal
Programming for Animators
These projects were for my programming for animators' class. These were first programmed using MEL and then I parented them together. After parenting the objects I rotated them to the desired formation. The double helix sculpture was also made with 2D paint textures (shell shapes), then was converted to polygons so it would render out. I used an occlusion render and also played with photo shop and the camera in Maya to get depth of field by blurring either the foreground, middleground or background.
Blurred the background and also added my name to the picture
Same as the one that says "Hutch" but instead the foreground is blurred out and the middle ground is in focus.
This was one of the few that were colored in for this assignment. I added glow to the orbs and shells and added a blinn to the subed object for reflectivity. I have the second half of the sculpture on the right out of focus to bring out the  foreground.
This was a different project entirely but i still used the same principles as the double helix sculpture. Tried to play with the sharp edges of the cubes and the roundness of the piepes flowing around it.
Double Helix and Tidal - programming for animators

Double Helix and Tidal - programming for animators

All of these were sculptures for programming for animators.
