In celebration of the launch of this industry-changing product, Winsor & Newton will connect artists and creative users around the world with its launch of Colour Your City (#ColourYourCity), an Instagram-driven campaign that invites artists, illustrators and creatives world-wide to submit work using the new Pigment Marker that are inspired by the global cities and destinations that influence their work and process.
The campaign will run November 16, 2015 through January 2016, and prompt artists to hashtag #ColourYourCity along with their work for it to be reviewed and considered by Winsor & Newton’s team of international brand ambassadors. The winning artwork will be displayed across Winsor & Newton Pigment Marker box sets and included in in a gallery exhibit in Paris in February 2016.
Winsor & Newton’s team of international brand ambassadors, who will take it in turns each week to become our contest judges, are to select a weekly finalist and the overall winner of the #ColourYourCity campaign. Judges include the following internationally renowned artists: William Broome, Mara Louise Cespon, Christopher Corr, Bil Donovan, Peter Millard, Katie Rodgers, Hayden Williams and Samuel Zealey.
Society of Illustrators pigment marker event, New York City 13th October
Society of Illustrators pigment marker launch, 13th October 2015 New York City
Works on display at the ICA
Artist collaboration at the ICA Colour Your City event in London
Artists interested in participating in the The Colour Your City campaign are encouraged to create artwork with Pigment Markers that are inspired by global cities and destinations. They then are encouraged to post their themed works to Instagram tagging the @pigmentmarker account and using the hashtag #ColourYourCity starting on November 16 and concluding 17th December. There is no limit to the number of submissions an artist can post during the Colour Your City campaign.
Holly Nichols - Boston
Angie - Copenhagen
@itstobypage - London
Stefano Delli Veneri - Milano
@mysteriousmannequin - Marrakech
You can find additional works from these artists on Behance here:
Society of Illustrators:
Insitute of Contemporary Art:
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Colour Your City

Colour Your City

About the Winsor & Newton pigment marker Colour Your City contest
