Modern Ghibli Girls
My contribution to the "Modern Ghibli" contest of the Ghibli-Geeks group. I decided to draw Chihiro, Kiki and San as I would imagine them in todays society. The original characters created by Hayao Miyazaki are very strong and timeless, so that one could easily transfer them to our todays society without changing the actual character traits. I only changed San slightly as I think that in todays times the "fight" between humans and nature is not so aggressive. I hope I treated her well as she is in my opinion the strongest femal heroine ever created!

Please check out the Ghibli-Geeks Group and all the other great contest contributions.
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All vector version
Basic coloring
Background as vector graphic
Thank you very much for watching!
Modern Ghibli Girls

Modern Ghibli Girls

Modern Ghibli Girls as a contribution to the contest of the Ghibli-Geeks group.
