Jeremy Walker's profile

Twitter Lists 2.0

An exploration into how data visualization can improve existing popular social media interfaces.
Interaction Design and Development (Year 1) - George Brown College
Twitter is a fire-hose of information. It’s great for publishing, but painful for end-user consumption.
A user’s primary feed is flooded constantly with tweets from not only users they follow, but brand, corporate, and social agents. 
Twitter’s built-in “Lists” function allows users to group accounts they follow - but the feature is limited in functionality and buried in the interface.
By improving the functionality of lists and raising their status in the Twitter interface hierarchy, users will have the ability to track tweets by topic instead of only specific posters. 
The result is less stress for users who desire a means to sort and organize their feeds, but also for users who feel overwhelmed by the thousands of tweets that flood their main feeds every day.
- Hierarchy of data in feed
- Customize feed streams based on what you actually want to see
- Capture emerging influencers with the addition of keywords / tags in your stream view
- Color coding on tweets
- Re-designed “List” area with interactive visual timeline
- Interactive geo-activity visualization model
Twitter Lists 2.0

Twitter Lists 2.0

By improving the functionality of lists and raising their status in the Twitter interface hierarchy, users will have the ability to track tweets Read More
