Robert Quintana's profile

SunGhosts Single - Polterguy, Cover Art

"You thought you saw me there..."   "Was it just a vision trick?..." "the corner of your eye, beyond the rift.." "Where did you go?"   ​​​​​​​
The design of the cover inherits that classic look of the SunGhosts brand. Inverted to be, beyond the rift. The illustration of the Polterguy's sihloutte is such that on high resolution displays he can just barely be seen. But, do to the lack of contrast, on low resolution displays or at certain sizes he disappears. And when inverted to the classic black and gold he almost, if not, vanishes. 
The lettering is inspired by the same principals. The bowls of the letterforms are filled to sihlouette the signature of a name that has disappeared from the page. 
Early concepts, exploring the theme of the lettering after I had developed the story.
focusing in on the final look redrawing to work out details. As well as sketches of composition. 
Skethes of the Polterguy sihlouette 
Final sihlouette of the Polterguy
Final lettering
Local release poster
Tour release poster
Social icon for campaign
Social icon for campaign
Web banner for release campaign
Social post for release campaign
Web banner for release campaign
The Polterguy cover when inverted. It appears in the SunGhosts classic Black and Gold. And Polterguy virtually disapears.
SunGhosts Single - Polterguy, Cover Art