This project was a design and construction of a self-standing partition screen. It was fitted to a working desk and, besides partitioning a workspace, provided some shelf space and a place for a PC under the desk.
An existing working desk was modelled to the millimeter. The partition screen has a lower frame that fits tightly between the desk's legs.
The frame provides a place for a tower case PC. The screen is secured to the underside of the desk with two screws.
Wood parts included a run of baseboard, the same kind that the room had.
The back of the screen is chipboard.
The middle frame structure meets the underside of the desk, preventing the frame from falling down.
The three gaps are for the cables between the PC and computer displays.
Shelves are wood stained pine board.
Completed structure.
Front and side.
Lower part.
Desk attached.
Model of the partitioning screen with and without the desk attached. The holes on the middle frame are for PC and monitor cables.
Construction in progress.
Partition Shelf

Partition Shelf

A self-standing partition screen attached to a work desk.
