Shuyao Bian 边书瑶's profile

[2014 Fall] Type Specimen-Bank Gothic

The project on Bank Gothic was the last project I had in Type I. The project is to make a new type specimen book and a poster on the typeface assigned. I was assigned with the typeface Bank Gothic, which is a classic modern typeface with sci-fi feeling, designed by the American typeface designer Morris Fuller Benton during the Art Deco period.

I started from the skethes of the posters. By studying the typeface, I found that square is the basic shape of the characters and the counter forms. I used square as an essential visual element in my design series. 
The typeface of the bodytext used in the specimen is also designed by Morris, it is called  Franklin Gothic. Also, the body text on the poster is designed by him, called Century Schoolbook.
Poster Sketches
Final Poster
Final Specimen
Specimen Spread
[2014 Fall] Type Specimen-Bank Gothic

[2014 Fall] Type Specimen-Bank Gothic

Type specimen+poster design for the classic typeface Bank Gothic


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