Erin Nutsugah's profile

Illustration | Buddhas

Happiness Prints
An ongoing look at the ideas of happiness and enjoyment and appreciation - influenced by Taoism, Buddhism, yoga, meditation, sunshine, and other good things.
Home With Buddha, 11"x14"

Black layer hand-drawn, background colors watercolored on paper and translated into CMYK
Possession EV #1,  6" x 7"

Buddha figure printed in a single layer of acrylic, items in hands drawn with colored pencil
Possession EV #2, 6" x 7"
Possession EV #3, 6" x 7"
Possession EV #4, 6" x 7"
Possession EV #5, 6" x 7"
Illustration | Buddhas

Illustration | Buddhas

Happiness, peacefulness, and enjoyment -- especially as they are explained in practices like Taoism and yoga -- are themes that have held my inte Read More
