Sculpture — Textile // FBAUP 2015

In the context of "Constructed Textiles", a discipline in FBAUP — Fine Arts College of Porto — 
I made an igloo of resin and fiber of glass. Such object is intended to create a new atmosphere: 
a shelter, where even the sound is different. This idea rose from the protection of the maternal womb, which was thought together with "A Magia da Lia" ("Lia's Magic") project. Thus, the igloo is a comfortable and translucent space, made to enfatize the calm and protective atmosphere of the children's world. In a recent future, there will be also light projections towards the igloo, so it can also become an propelling object for imagination and contemplation.
final study (originally in 1:1)
Not finished yet.
Pictures of the process here!


Sculpture made with resin and glass fiber.
