Change Something
"Change Something" is a project between graphic design students from the University Salford and ESAG Pennington, Paris. Each day posts will be uploaded to engage in a dialogue as to what we would change, this could be from the smallest incremental change to a social, moral or worthwhile cause. Themes include: environment, economy, society, culture, sports or leisure.
I decided to invert WWF campaigns, WWF (World Wide Foundation) is a foundation which helps normal animas and endangered animals so instead of helping them I decided to make WWK (World Wide Killing) and invert thier aim and see how it looks. I did the samething with smoking, drink driving, gun control and more campaigns.
The following were the final posters for my project.
Change Something

Change Something

Engage in a dialogue as to what we would change, this could be from the smallest incremental change to a social, moral or worthwhile cause. Theme Read More
