Luís Moreira's profileJoão Castela's profile


Together with mishmash, a new minimalist office supplies brand, we developed a general direction for the video campaign, and got together a team to produce a video for each notebook, plus a kickstarter campaign video. The work and campaign was launched in August 2015.
In the product videos you can see the notebooks in action, so the viewer gets a sense of the different uses, types of paper, bindings and special features of each one.
Each notebook had a different personality associated with it, directed at multiple audiences, so the concepts followed this direction. Together with the mishmash team, we coupled each product with a user personality, and thought how they would use the notebooks. This way, we defined the space where they would be working and the actions they would perform. The videos were going to be used in different platforms and social media so, for this reason, we chose to keep the durations short. We made them long enough to set the tone, while leaving the viewer curious to know more about the brand. They were also thought as an integral part of the website homepage, so we created 5 second versions of each one, as small teasers. 
The sound was added in post-production. We didn't include music, because we thought the papers' sounds would make the viewer focus on the notebooks even more.
"easy going"
"the notebook"
"i am leaning"
A short behind-the-scenes of the notebook videos.
The kickstarter video (below) was essencial to convey the message, to present the idea and the founders of the company to the general audience. Here, one of the co-founders of the company explains her influences, inspirations and the reasons why she wanted to start mishmash. We also took the opportunity to showcase the products in different settings, while the founder explains some parts of the production process.
We really enjoyed collaborating with mishmash on these projects.
Also, here's a thank you to everyone involved:
Directing, editing, post: Not Found (André Godinho, João Castela, Luís Moreira)
Sound design: João Bastos
Set design: Filipa Alves
Actors: Bruno Soares, Maria Barros, Jorge Mota, Sara Guedes, Filipa Carregal, Rita Nadais,
Sara Cardoso, Joana Duarte
Voice-overs for product videos: Scott Antonucci, Joana Galvão
Music for kickstarter video: "The Enchanted Forest" by Roger Plexico
Music for making-of video: "Draw the end until you have crashed" by Ending Satellites


Video campaign for mishmash, a new minimalist office supplies brand.
