Last summer, while in India, I visited “The Rock Garden of Chandigarh”, a Sculpture garden completely built of industrial & home waste and thrown-away items. The rock garden is filled with hundreds of pottery-covered concrete sculptures of dancers, musicians, and animals. It is beauiful figments from the architect’s childhood imagination. It is a real “Alice in wonderland” kind of place.
In one part of the garden, there were huge swings, where adults and children were all playing and laughing all the same. While on one of the swings myself, it occurred to me, i couldn’t think of anyone whose primary motive and research was play, and it bothered me.

Where does our talent to play go, once we become adults?

We see puddles, and we don’t let ourselves think of the fun of making splashes. Instead, we think about how cold and wet it would be, we think about our shoes and the mess.
Play is my pre masters project, completed on the course of two consecutive semesters, one in Cairo and the second in Berlin. 
Play's goal is to make already existing playful interactions more obvious to people. We go through spaces everyday and we never slow our pace to engage with ordinary day to day envrionmnets around us.
My aim is that people would stop and play. 



Lean on me is a series of urban furniture that triggers playful spontaneous behavior, by providing the means & context. The aim is making alread Read More
