Ronald J. Pawley's profile

ACS Funds Research to Stop Breast Cancer Metastasis

Ronald J. Pawley supports numerous medical research efforts. One of the organizations that Ronald J. Pawley sponsors is the American Cancer Society (ACS), which funds cutting-edge studies on new cancer treatment modalities. Recently, research supported by ACS made strides in the use of key gene regulators to stop the spread, or metastasis, of breast cancer through a patient’s body.

While the research is still in early stages, trials have suggested that certain molecules could affect the genes that control or inhibit the spread of cancer and essentially turn them off or on. Some of these molecules are called chromatin remodeling complexes. Research suggests that inhibiting these complexes may prevent the spread of cancer by preventing them from triggering certain genes.

In the case of breast cancer, a complex known as SIN3 has been directly linked to metastasis. An SIN3 inhibitor has been shown to stop breast cancer progression and spread, which could lead to promising treatment options in the future.
ACS Funds Research to Stop Breast Cancer Metastasis

ACS Funds Research to Stop Breast Cancer Metastasis

Ronald J. Pawley supports numerous medical research efforts. One of the organizations that Ronald J. Pawley sponsors is the American Cancer Socie Read More
