This is a school assignment given to us during our first year in Temasek Polytechnic during a module called Tactile Design. We were to create a silkscreen design based on the theme 'Singapore's future' and I have decided to go with the theme 'Overcrowding'. 
This was printed onto various mediums such as paper, canvas, cloth and corkboard.
My design depicts limbs sticking out of a sardines can. 'Orang Brand' means 'Human Brand' in Malay.
The design of the can is based on the most renowned sardines brand in Singapore which is 'Ayam Brand' to hint that the context of this work is Singapore.
My work is mainly inspired by the idiom "Packed like sardines". The main idea I wish to send across is that it will be so packed in
Singapore in the future that even the can can't contain all parts of the people.
(The illustration of the man is inspired by one of the artists I really admire, Noritake. )


This is a school assignment given to us during our first year in Temasek Polytechnic during a module called Tactile Design. We were to create a s Read More
