Aleksandra Biegańska's profile

The New Camelot! - contest 2013

Design of Camelot's Research & Visitors Center, dubbed The New Camelot, is deeply bound with Cadbury Hill's heritage. We've interpreted the classic, timeless castle silhouette in a modern yet somewhat magical way. The spatial programme of the complex is based on semi-transparent, glass & stone towers and crescent-shaped museum space below, which looks out at the stunning English countryside.

Exterior stone facades are nearly transparent at the bottom, allowing visitors to perceive the scenery wholly. As the towers rise, so does their opacity, making the castle silhouette distinct. This unique effect is achieved by a non-uniform stone bricks distribution. The rocks themselves, suppossedly held by metal twines, in the terms of type, shapes, and layout, communicate to the local Masonry tradition.

Most of the museum area is hidden under the surface of the hill. The cafeteria seems to be emerging from the ground, thus it is clearly recognized as the entrance to the complex. The southern, crescent-shaped side of the museum consists of two glass facades, visually opening to the view, yet minimizing excessive insolation and overheating. The New Camelot curved shape wraps around the top of the hill making the center a perfect place for various events, be it historic festivals or research exhibitions.

The towers have various plan area and height, in accordance to programme and spatial composition of the complex. The first, simultaneously the highest, is The Archive
a place for researchers, with high bookshelves leaning against the walls. However, we thought that the ambience of such a place is too charming to be left for researchers only. Therefore we also made it available for guests through a glass, transparent lift that completes the archive; visitors can travel up to the top which is a marvelous vantage point, and do so while observing the researchers' work.

Other towers consist of functions such as research rooms, laboratories, administration and a vertically organized Camelot Today room. All of them create one whole an intriguing silhouette noticeable from afar, the new Cadbury Hill's landmark.

Authors: Aleksandra Biegańska, Aleksandra Daniłoś, Katarzyna Kołodziejska, Igor Sapijaszko
The New Camelot! - contest 2013

The New Camelot! - contest 2013

Project of the new Camelot's Research & Visitors Center on legendar hill Camelot in England. Project was designed for the contest in 2013.
