The project was to explore skin as the surface of human and animals, or a layer that seperates what's above it and what hide underneath it. In my painting I chose to paint from a picture that consists of the skin of water, human and the plants that grow to the surface of the water. I was trying to portray the liviness that is nourished by the mud under the water's skin, and the harmnonious feeling between the man and the nature around him.
The biggest challenge was the feeling of uncertainty in deciding beetween painting realistically or more abstractly. The process of finishing this painting was interupted by another project where I explored the style of Antoni Tapies. And it's also when I starting to feel strongly towards abstract styles. You can see the lower green portions of the painting that is created after the interuption and there is a change in the speed of my ceative processe and the preciseness in comparrision with the picture. The change was partially due to lack of time, but mainly inspired by the style and philoshophy of Antoni Tapies. And this portion of the painting is also my favorite part, it expresse the spontaneity and vibrant energy of nature.


This is a project that explores the topic of skin


Creative Fields