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Synesthesia Alphabet

Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.People who report such experiences are known as synesthetes. Synesthesia is not a phenomenon that manifests itself in one way. In fact, synesthesia can manifest itself in many different forms, as it involves different parts of the human brain. It can range from tasting colors to smelling sounds. Synesthesia can occur between any two senses or perceptual modes. If we take into account only the five basic senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch) and imagine pairings, we already have twenty different types of synesthesia. (learn more from
Synesthesia Alphabet takes on the different characters of the alphabet and break it down into simple colour, shapes, patterns, personalities when one see each individual letters as a person, colour, mood and texture.
Synesthesia Alphabet


Synesthesia Alphabet

Synesthesia Alphabet takes on the differnet characters of the alphabet and break it down into simple colour, shapes, patterns, personalities when Read More
