William Marler's profile

Investigating Contemporary Practice

Billie Jean Skeletal Rig
Skeletal Rig & Reference Footage examples
Hand-Drawn Animation Experiments
Clip 1 - Michael Jackson Moonwalk
Clip 2 - Johanna Söderberg (First Aid Kit)
Original Reference Footage
Clip 3 - Pouring Tea

Train Sleeper
Street Fighter
A selection of pose images
Newton 2 Experiments
Spirograph Experiments
A client project in which I used this spirograph effect, in combination with After Effects' 3D capabilities.
Visual Schematic
As part of the module, we had to map out a plan for our research and practical pieces in a visually distinctive manner. I kept mine simple, seperating different sections via colour and form, and used various icons to provide additional information to each section (such as the programs used on each project). I also decided to depict how different parts of my work influenced others, to demonstrate the usefulness of research and experimentation.
Investigating Contemporary Practice

Investigating Contemporary Practice

A University module designed for research, experimentation and entry into the field of work we want to pursue after we graduate.
