The brief requested that we design concepts of the future of humans once technology advances enough for robotics to merge with the human
In the sketch below, I just experiemented with super rough silhouettes. Each is in a dynamic pose of some sort, these are the 'bones' to the concept design.
Again, being inspired by the sketches above, I then moved onto quickly painting basic tones and values. I also cleaned up a few poses with cybernetic 'attachments'.
Finally, after sketching for a few hours just to get the basic idea of anatomy, I chose a pose and stuck to it. I then used a darker brush to work in the detail lines. From there, I gave the whole image some values to work with shadows and lighting. I set that layer to multiply and then move on to apply an underpaint that will consist of the white and gold trim. Lastly, I then created a new layer on top of all the previous layers and begun to use the eyedropper tool to select similar tones and painted the shadows and highlights (depending on material).
Humans 2.0

Humans 2.0

RMIT Advanced Visualisation Assignment 3 - Second Year


Creative Fields