Elizabeth Zalewski's profile

Urban Outfitters App & Website

Unique is trendy. Individuality is what UO wants to create. A market for those who want to be different. Customers will be able to take a personalized survey that focuses on what customers prefer to wear, their hobbies, and activities so that Urban Outfitters can recommend them items from their store that the customer prefers. Signing up to be a member on the site will allow users to save their results and have personal recommendations of other items they might like.
Working with Estimote will create a shopping experience that uses hyper-localization based notifications and actions using beacons. Users will be able to automatically experience beacons interacting with their phones just by downloading the app and being inside the store. 
Thank you! :) 
Urban Outfitters App & Website

Urban Outfitters App & Website

I designed a website and app concept for Urban Outfitters as a project during my junior year at SVA (School of Visual Arts).
