Embossed logo. (Box made from 80 % recycled materials and 100 % recyclable materials.)
Greeting sign, painted with the items inside! (100 % post consumer recycled card & natural paint.)
Natural paint brushes from sticks, gras and thuja held together with homemade natural glue and biodegradable twine. Handles made from biodegradable twine as well.
Reusable glass jars containing homemade natural tempera and earth pigment paint, label printed on 100 % post consumer recycled paper from the UK. Portfolio cards explaining my logo, showing previous work and telling a bit about me, printed on 100 % post consumer recycled card.
Side braids made from biodegradable twine. Boxes laser cut in pure wood, painted with natural paint. Tote bag made in organic cotton and screen printed on with natural paint.
Portfolio cards explaining my logo, showing previous work and telling a bit about me, printed on 100 % post consumer recycled card.
Edges painted with natural paint.
Tote bag made in organic cotton and screen printed on with natural paint
Reusable glass jars containing homemade natural tempera and earth pigment paint, label printed on 100 % post consumer recycled paper from the UK. Natural paint brushes from sticks, gras and thuja held together with homemade natural glue and biodegradable twine.
Part 2.
For other people, interested in my work, but who does not get a kit, I have laser cut wooden business cards! Fun fact: It would take more wood to make a thick card to print this business card on, than to just use pure natural wood. No toxic inks or anything!
Self Promo Kit

Self Promo Kit

My self promotion kit, to be sent out to companies I’m trying to get a job with. (everything recycled, sustainable, biodegradable or reusable.) A Read More
