Peer Gynt
Scenography by Phillip Schroeder
Peer Gynt poses considerable challenges for the Theatrical Designer.
To produce it as written, with 40 scenes and over 100 characters, it can also stretch the boundaries of the most technically savvy production house.
This project was virtual and not realized. Which allowed me to explore  those challenges head on.
Scenic Design
The first task was to create a storyboard of all scenic changes.
Utilizing Cinema 4D I modeled the set in three dimensions and began creating the world of Peer Gynt.
(A physical model was also built in 1/2" scale.)
Trying to minimize what was on stage and still create the feeling of movement, travel,
and terrain change, was my main goal.
I set the show in a proscenium theater equipped with a built in revolve and fly loft.
Attached to the revolve is a near half circle platform, the rake of which is alterable
by way of an  hydraulic lift.
The following are the first 4 Acts with default  lighting and only a few materials applied to the model. This method clearly shows scenic movement, which might be visually less apparent once the show is lit and areas are in darkness.
 Here are the first 9 scenes individually followed by the lit versions.
I have also incorporated the costume designs into these sketches.
Scene 1-1
A wooded hillside near ASE's farm. A river rushes
down the slope. On the further side of it an old mill
shed. It is a hot day in summer.
Scene 1-2
A hillock, covered in bushes and heather.
The highroad runs behind it, a fence between.
Scene 1-3
The farm place at Hegstad. In the background, the dwelling house.
A throng of guests. A lively dance in progress on the green.
The Fiddler sits on a table. The master cook is standing in the doorway.
Cookmaids are going to an fro between the diff. Buildings.
Scene 2-1
A narrow path, high up in the mountains. Early morning.
Scene 2-2
Near a mountain tarn; the ground is soft and marshy.
A storm is gathering.
Scene 2-3
Low treeless heights, close under the mountain
moorlands, peaks in the distance. The shadows are long,
it is late in the day.
Scene 2-4
Among the Ronde Mountains. Sunset.
Shining snowpeaks all around.
Scene 2-5
A hillside, wooded with great soughing trees.
Scene 2- 6
The Royal Hall of the King of the Dovre-Trolls.
Costume Design
Peer Gynt

Peer Gynt

Peer Gynt - Scenography
