Hörður Ólafsson's profile

Zorblobs Promotional Posters pt.1

Zorblobs Promotional Posters
First batch
Posters for promotional purposes of smartphone game Zorblobs.

Usually made from influences or what comes to mind. 
It can be good fun to implement Zorblobs into already known characters.
As research has shown, the blobs have a keen interest in camouflage-ing and infiltrating our minds and eating us by surprise.
More to come. 
Made for Halloween 2011
Made for Halloween 2011
Made for a funny piece of exposure at Eistnaflug 2011. A metal / rock festival in Neskaupstaður, Iceland
60's Horror Movie themed Zorblobs... in Fancy Color
60's Horror Movie themed Zorblobs... in Fancy Color
Zorblobs Promotional Posters pt.1

Zorblobs Promotional Posters pt.1

Promotional posters made for smartphone game Zorblobs
