Danilo Bojic's profile

Special Wineries Publication

The goal of the project was to create and develop visual identity of exclusive publication composing an overview of major wineries from the ex–Yugoslavia region. Seelction of prime wineries from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Motenegro and FYR Macedonia. It was executed in dual language form: Serbian and English. A specialized throughout overview of different wineries is accompanied with stunning documentary photography giving this publication a unique feel. It is an comprehensive publication providing the reader with functional information about the history, tradition and production methodology of prime wineries from the ex–Yu region.
Creative direction: Danilo Bojic; Branko Zuzic | Layout design: Branko Zuzic; Danilo Bojic | Account manager: Ivana Jelovac | Photography: Branko Zuzic; Danilo Bojic | Prepress: Branko Zuzic; Danilo Bojic. Created at BlackBox.
Special Wineries Publication

Special Wineries Publication

The goal of the project was to create and develop visual identity of exclusive publication composing an overview of major wineries from the ex– Read More
