Vectorian art! I'd like to share some of these techniques here with you guys. I know some of you are using similar ways of making these vectors and also using quicker routes to get to the final result. This is my method which gives good handmade results. These vectors took roughly 18 hours to make ,I used my original hand sketched artwork and placed it into Photoshop, I then took the opacity down roughly to 40% to create a transparent page. After that I worked over the top of the artwork/sketch vectoring the details and line work . Once it's all dialled in I go over the line work removing nodes and cleaning every small detail across the work, it can get tedious but stick at it as the end result is worth it.
Old fashioned vectoring! I often wonder if the Victorians would of used this technology . I bet they would of loved it! Nearly done with this panel.
Sketching scrolls and generating them into vectors. What I call where technology and tradition meet!
Last sketching details and border idea before making this design into a reverse gilded sign onto the back of a panel of glass.
Victorian Art

Victorian Art

Old fashioned vectoring! I often wonder if the Victorians would of used this technology . I bet they would of loved it! Nearly done with this pan Read More
