This information graphic illustrates what happened in the 2003 Northeast Blackout. After extensive research, the final poster contains information about the cascading effect of the power loss, a time line, a geographical graphic, and information about power distribution. Symbols, opacity levels, lists, and grouping techniques were all used as a way to organize and lay out the composition to allow for a functional and educational experience when engaging in the information.
The purpose of this piece was to create a visual representation using an abundant amount of data, intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. The goal was to find a way to improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.
This infographic was created as a supplement to a Giveaway, in which traveling goodies and road trip gear provided by generous sponsors was sent out to three lucky winners. The poster was posted on several blogger's sites to provide information and suggestions to adults who intended on driving long hours with children in the car.


Information graphics
