Book cover design that bases on a traditional and popular Hong Kong/ Cantonese food: Siu Mei.
Siu Mei is a general term mainly for roasted meat,e.g. Siu Ap (Roasted duck), Char Siu (BBQ pork), Siu Yurk (Roasted pork belly), Boiled marinated chicken. The feature of this food is the way they are displayed in a restaurant. All of them are hung up on silver ranks, which this is the main concept in the design.
Style and Materials:
1. Golden title - A simulation of the golden title at the old Siu Mei restaurant's front.
2.Top: plastic cover - Helping to create a 3D illusion with each kind of meat and making them more appealling to be consumed.
3. Base: kraft paper and background - As newspaper and kraft paper are the common food wraps in the past, they help to keep and demonstrate the traditional sense of Hong Kong. For the backgound, cantonese menus are replacing newspaper content to relate clear about the content of the collection of books and show further about Hong Kong's culture.


School project: Designing a book cover for a chosen folklore.


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